How do you awaken the divine feminine in your life? What are the qualities of divine feminine energy? We need both - they complement each other, like yin and yang. Therefore, the divine feminine’s mirror is the qualities of the masculine. While the divine feminine represents the nurturer and healer within us, the masculine symbolizes the inherent leader. For example, we all possess the urge to be active and get things done (masculine), while we also all have the ability to rest and recharge (feminine). The concept of “masculine” and “feminine” energy has been used in many different mystical practices throughout history to describe the dualities that exist within everyone. It’s not about what sex you are, because everyone has both divine feminine and divine masculine qualities.
#The divine feminine shirt how to
Ready to learn how to channel that in your world? Here’s what to know about divine feminine energy and how to align yourself with its powers. And, yes, this applies to both men and women. Ideally, we should incorporate divine feminine qualities into our lives, like turning inward instead of outward and forgiving rather than fighting, so that we can live a more fulfilling and balanced existence. As a result, many spiritualists argue we are running an imbalanced life and blame global warming, hustle culture, and a preoccupation with power on our too masculine-driven culture. In today’s patriarchal world, we have collectively strayed from these values and have instead relied on more masculine traits, like scientific facts, rationalization, productivity, and all things technical. While spiritualists all have their own interpretations, the divine feminine typically symbolizes intuition, receptivity, compassion, abundance, nurturing, connection, love, and sensuality. The divine feminine is an energy also known as shakti, yin, and lunar energy, and is often connected symbolically to the moon, Gaia (Mother Earth), and water. However, the concept of the divine feminine, and what it means to possess those qualities, extends far deeper than an Instagram post of a woman with flowing “Birth of Venus”-type locks. All sorts of quote-unquote witchy things are currently trendy, including everything from crystals for healing to astrological compatibility, and now we can add “divine feminine energy” to the list.